Camo Tumbler from The Dark Knight Rises on display...

In The Dark Knight Rises we discover that Morgan Freeman's 'Lucius Fox' has been gathering all the top secret Wayne Enterprises vehicles and gadgets that helped transform 'Bruce Wayne' into 'Batman' and supplied him with his arsenal of high-tech weapons.
Original Camo Tumbler on display outside ArcLight Hollywood
Original Camo Tumbler ArcLight Hollywood
Camo Tumbler The Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler The Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
In this third installment in Christopher Nolan's epic Dark Knight trilogy Batman's adversary 'Bane' discovers this stash, including several camouflaged versions of the Tumbler 'Batmobile'.

The Dark Knight Rises movie billboard
Dark Knight Rises movie billboard
This 2.5-ton Camo Tumbler was photographed on display outside ArcLight Hollywood cinema as part of a national publicity tour across America for the new movie.

360° view of The Dark Knight Rises Camouflage Tumbler
Camo Tumbler ArcLight Hollywood
Camo Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler rear Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
Camouflage Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler front Dark Knight Rises
Camo Tumbler front wheels
Camo Tumbler Dark Knight Rises
Seeing the Tumbler in person, I was surprised at how small and low to the ground it seemed. I think I was expecting something a bit more imposing tank-like, although seeing the detail of the formidable vehicle up close is still pretty cool regardless.

For even more detail, here's also a video tour around the Tumbler.
Be sure to check out all the original Batman, Catwoman and Bane costumes from The Dark Knight Rises that were also on display at ArcLight Hollywood for the opening weekend.

The Dark Knight Rises teaser movie poster
Dark Knight Rises teaser poster
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