Batman and The Joker movie costumes from The Dark Knight...

These original film costumes and masks from the phenomenally successful sequel to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, were photographed at ArcLight Hollywood on July 22, 2008.

Original Batman suit from The Dark Knight worn by Christian Bale
Batman Suit from The Dark Knight movie
Batman suit movie costume from The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight movie billboard in New York City
The Dark Knight movie billboard in New York

Original Joker costume worn by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight
Heath Ledger's Joker costume form The Dark Knight movieHeath Ledger's Joker costume in The Dark Knight movie

The Dark Knight Joker movie billboard 
along Santa Monica Boulevard in L.A.
The Dark Knight Joker movie billboard
These clown masks below worn by The Joker's henchmen, who rob the bank with him at the beginning of the movie, were also part of the exhibit of Dark Knight costumes in the cinema foyer.

Clown henchmen masks on display
The Dark Knight costumes - Clown gang masks
The Dark Knight movie Joker's henchmen clown masks
For more great superhero costumes click on the Comic Book label.

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