In the second installment in The Chronicles of Narnia, 'Prince Caspian' blows a magical horn and summons the kings and queens of old back to Narnia to help him battle his evil uncle, 'Lord Miraz'.
Actual costumes and props used in
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
When the Pevensie children arrive at the ruins of their former castle, Cair Paravel, they exchange their school uniforms for more Narnian attire. These are the actual costumes designed by Isis Mussenden and worn by the two youngest siblings, Georgie Henley as 'Lucy Pevensie' and Skandar Keynes as 'Edmund Pevensie'.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian movie poster
These costumes and props were photographed on display within the Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando on September 22, 2010.
Original props used in Prince Caspian
Included in the prop exhibit was Lucy's dagger, a tiara, Edmund's flashlight and chess piece, Peter's pocketknife, a golden plate discovered in the ruins of Cair Paravel's treasure room and more.
Finally, in addition to the costumes and props on display, you also walk through the recreated stone table chamber movie set featured in the film which houses Lord Aslan's sacrificial alter.
Prince Caspian stone table chamber movie set
If you like these outfits be sure you check out the costume sworn by the older Pevensie siblings, Lucy Pevensie's battle costume and Peter Pevensie's battle armour, plus outfits worn by Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian.
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