Inception movie costumes worn by Leonardo DiCaprio and Marion Cotillard on display...

Soon the secrecy around Christopher Nolan's new sci-fi thriller, Inception, will be lifted when the movie opens on Friday, July 16. Shrouded in mystery, all we really know is that the storyline somehow revolves around the ability to enter people's dreams.

Original Inception movie costumes and props on display
Inception movie prop display
Inception movie costume display
The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt amongst others and to promote the movie which everyone hopes will be the saviour of this summer's box office, here is a fantastic costume and prop exhibit in the foyer of the ArcLight Hollywood cinema on July 13, 2010.

Inception movie costumes and props at ArcLight Hollywood
Inception movie costume exhibitInception movie costume and props
Leonardo DiCaprio Inception movie costume
Actual Inception movie props and costume
Inception Mal film costume
Inception movie props

Inception teaser movie billboard
Inception film billboard
This is one of the suit's worn by Leonardo DiCaprio as 'Cobb' in the movie.

Actual costume worn by Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception
Leonardo DiCaprio Inception movie suit
Inception Leonardo DiCaprio Inception suitLeonardo DiCaprio Inception movie costume

Next up is the costume worn by 'Mal' in Inception, played by Marion Cotillard.

Actual outfit worn by Marion Cotillard in Inception
Inception Marion Cotillard movie costumeMarion Cotillard Inception movie costumeInception Marion Cotillard movie outfitInception Mal movie costume
Jeffrey Kurland is the Costume Designer for Inception and responsible for these two looks from the movie on display.

See another costume worn by Marion Cotillard in Public Enemies here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.

Inception movie billboard
Inception The Dream is Real billboard
In addition to the wonderful costumes worn by Leonardo DiCaprio and Marion Cotillard there was also a fantastic selection of movie props featured in the movie for all to see.

This intriguing array of props included Leonardo DiCaprio's white Alpine goggles, a chess piece used by Ellen Page, Maurice Fischer's (Pete Postlethwaite) Last Will and Testament, Robert Fischer's (Cillian Murphy) Australian passport, red dice, keys, an Alpine map, a framed photo and even Cobb's wedding ring.

Original Inception movie props
Original Inception film props

Keys and Will movie props from Inception
Inception movie props

Fischer's Australian passport movie prop from Inception
Inception Fischer's Australian passport prop

Ariadne's chess piece totem prop from Inception
Inception Ariadne chess piece prop

Cobb's wedding ring worn by Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception
Inception Cobb's wedding ring movie prop
Alpine googles and map featured in Inception
Inception Alpine goggles propInception Alpine map film propActual Inception movie props
Finally check out this exclusive short video clip of the costume and prop exhibit at ArcLight Hollywood.

Inception movie poster
Inception movie poster
Visit Jason in Hollywood for a movie review of Inception.

Buy the original Hans Zimmer composed soundtrack of the movie in the USA: Inception

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