Sean Connery's armour from Sword of the Valiant on display...

In 1984's Arthurian fantasy Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sean Connery starred as the mythological 'Green Knight' and Miles O'Keeffe played 'Sir Gawain'.

Green Knight armour worn by Sean Connery
in Sword of the Valiant
Green Knight armour Sword of the ValiantGreen Knight armour Sword of the Valiant
These suits of Medieval armour created by master armourer Terry English, alongside Costume Designer Shuna Harwood, were photographed on display at the London Film Museum on January 25, 2011.

Sir Gawain armour worn by Miles O'Keeffe
in Sword of the Valiant
Sir Gawain Armour Sword of the Valiant
Sir Gawain armour Sword of the Valiant
For more great movie suits of armour, check out Terry English's armour from Excalibur on display.

Sword of the Valiant movie poster
Sword of the Valiant movie poster
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