Princess Dejah Thoris outfit worn by Lynn Collins in John Carter...

Lynn Collins plays 'Dejah Thoris', Princess of the Martian city of Helium, and love interest of Earthman 'John Carter' in the movie of the same name based on Edgar Rice Burroughs literary creations.

Original Dejah Thoris costume
worn by Lynn Collins in Disney's John Carter
John Carter Dejah Thoris costume
Lynn Collins John Carter movie costume
Princess Dejah Thoris Carter movie costume
This exotic and revealing costume was designed by Mayes C. Rubeo and was photographed on display at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema on February 23, 2012.
John Carter movie billboard
Disney John Carter billboard
You can also take a closer look at the wedding headdress and jewelry worn by Dejah Thoris here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.

If you like this outfit, be sure to also check out Taylor Kitsch's John Carter costume on display.

Actual Princess Dejah Thoris costume featured in John Carter
Dejah Thoris John Carter of Mars costumeDejah Thoris John Carter outfitJohn Carter Princess Dejah outfitLynn Collins Dejah Thoris costume
Dejah Thoris movie sandals
Dejah Thoris John Carter film costume
This golden outfit worn by Dejah Thoris reminds me a bit of Princess Tamina's costume from another Disney sand-and-sandals fantasy, Prince of Persia.
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Costume worn by Taylor Kitsch as John Carter of Mars...

In Disney's 2012 big screen imagining of Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars, Taylor Kitsch plays the titular hero displaced from Earth to the red planet for adventures with aliens and princesses alike.

Original costume worn by Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
Taylor Kitsch John Carter costume John Carter movie costumeJohn Carter Taylor Kitsch costume John Carter of Mars chest-plateJohn Carter film costume
Mayes C. Rubeo is Costume Designer on this sci-fi movie, although John Carter's loincloth and chest-plate outfit reminds me a bit of Jake Gyllenhaal's Prince of Persia costume (but maybe that's just the brown leather and sandy film location).
John Carter movie poster
Disney's John Carter movie poster
If you're a Taylor Kitsch fan, be sure to also check out his Tim Riggins American Football uniform from Friday Night Lights.

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Original costumes from Disney's John Carter on display...

This year sees Disney bring Edgar Rice Burroughs sci-fi creation, John Carter, to the big screen. To mark the occasion these fantastic original costumes worn by Lynn Collins, Taylor Kitsch and Mark Strong in the movie were on display at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema on February 24, 2012.

Actual costumes featured in John Carter on display
John Carter movie costume exhibitDejah Thoris and John Carter costumesOriginal John Carter movie costumes
These Martian fashions were designed by Mayes C. Rubeo, who is also known for her costume designs on Avatar.

John Carter movie billboard
Disney John Carter billboard
In the movie Taylor Kitsch plays the titular 'John Carter', an American Civil War veteran who is mysteriously transported to the red planet, Mars, and finds battles to be fought and a princess in need of a savior.

Costumes worn by Lynn Collins as Princess Dejah Thoris
and Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
John Carter movie costumes

Costumes worn by Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
and Mark Strong as Matai Shang
John Carter film costumes
Be sure to stick around in the coming days for more detailed photos of each of these outfits, plus enjoy this short video of the costume exhibit.

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Ghost Rider 2 motorcycle installation at the Petersen Automotive Museum in L.A...

Following on from my discovery of the motorcycle I believe that was used by Idris Elba in the Spirit of Vengeance at the ArcLight Pasadena cinema, driving past the Petersen Automotive Museum in L.A. today I glanced up and saw Ghost Rider's actual infernal motorcycle on display.

Ghost Rider motorcycle installation from Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider 2 motorcycle installationGhost Rider 2 motorcycle installation
In the past the museum has also showcased the Black Beauty car from The Green Hornet movie remake with a similar installation, so I assume this is one of the actual motorbikes used in the movie or at the very least a fantastically detailed replica for promotional purposes.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance motorcycle
Ghost Rider 2 motorcycle propGhost Rider 2 movie motorcycleGhost Rider Spirit of Vengeance motorcycleGhost Rider 2 motorcycle display
You have to agree the detail of the supernatural superhero's demonically altered ride is pretty cool and was photographed on February 23, 2012.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance movie billboard
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
If you like this, be sure to check out this other movie motorcycle from Ghost Rider 2 on display.

Plus if you like motorbikes, you'll also love this very cool skeleton motorcycle that was on display at the Petersen Automotive Museum in 2010.
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Motorcycle from Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance on display...

Marvel Comics dark hero, Ghost Rider, returns for a second big screen installment in 2012 and this motorcycle from the movie was on display at ArcLight Pasadena cinema to help promote the supernatural sequel.

Actual motorcycle from Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider 2 motorcycleGhost Rider 2 film motorcycle
Ghost Rider 2 movie motorcycle
Nicholas Cage returns for a second outing as 'Johnny Blaze' and his demonic anti-hero alter ego, but I don't believe this is his ride (even though the exhibit signage says it is).

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance movie billboard
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboard
I've not seen the movie yet (it's had dire reviews), but from various trailers and publicity shots it looks more like the motorcycle ridden by Idris Elba as warrior monk, 'Moreau', in the movie.

Motorcycle featured in Ghost Rider 2 on display
Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance motorcycleGhost Rider 2 motorcycleGhost Rider Spirit of Vengeance motorcycleGhost Rider Spirit of Vengeance motorcycleGhost Rider 2 movie motorbike
Ghost Rider 2 Moreau motorcycleGhost Rider 2 movie motorcycle
Regardless of who rode this bike in the film, I'm sure Ghost Rider fans will still get a kick out of seeing this movie exhibit which was photographed on February 21, 2012.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance movie billboard
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
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