Original Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time costumes on display...

In addition to the warrior garb worn by Jake Gyllenhaal in Disney's Prince of Persia fantasy-adventure, the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood also had more original costumes worn by Jake, Gemma Arterton and Ben Kingsley on display.

Prince of Persia movie costumes and props
on display at El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood
Prince of Persia movie costumes
Prince of Persia Dastan and Tamina movie costumes
These costumes designed by Penny Rose were photographed on June 3, 2010 and will be exhibited at the El Capitan until June 16, 2010.

'Dastan' litter bearer costume from Prince of Persia
worn by Jake Gyllenhaal
Dastan Prince of Persia litter bearer costume
This is the ornate red and gold outfit worn by Jake Gyllenhaal when he and 'Tamina' try and smuggle themselves back into Persia for the funeral of his adopted father 'King Sharaman' disguised as a litter bearer for a friendly Emperor.

Gemma Arterton's 'Princess Tamina' costume from Prince of Persia
Gemma Arterton Prince of Persia Tamina movie costume
This is the beautiful white and gold costume worn by Gemma Arterton as 'Princess Tamina' when she and Dastan escape from the sacred city of 'Alamut' near the beginning of the movie.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 'Tamina' movie poster
Gemma Arteron Prince of Persia movie poster
Also on display as part of the movie exhibit was the costume worn by Sir Ben Kingsley as Dastan's evil uncle 'Nazim'.

'Nazim' costume worn by Ben Kingsley in Prince of Persia
Nazim Prince of Persia movie costume
Prince of Persia Nazim film costume
Ben Kingsley Prince of Persia movie costume

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 'Nazim' movie poster
Nizam Prince of Persia movie poster

Actual costumes and props featured in
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Dastan and Tamina Prince of Persia film costumes
Prince of Persia Nazim movie costume
If you like these fantastic costumes be sure to also check out Jake Gyllenhaal's leather battle armour from Prince of Persia.

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